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General Terms and Conditions

1. General

The following terms and conditions apply in the version valid at the time of the order for all sales contracts between Sound of Music World GmbH and its customers.

All services provided by the online shop for the customer are based exclusively on the following general terms and conditions. Deviating regulations are only valid if they have been agreed in writing between the online shop and the customer.

2. Conclusion of the contract

Only persons who have reached the age of 18 and are not restricted in their legal capacity at the time of the conclusion of the contract are entitled to conclude a contract with the online shop.

By ordering goods from the online shop on the Internet, the customer implicitly makes a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract. The online shop is entitled to accept this offer within 14 calendar days by sending an order confirmation. The order confirmation takes place at the latest with delivery of the goods. If the 14-day period has expired, the offer is deemed to be rejected.

3. Delivery times

All articles are delivered immediately, provided they are available from stock and only while stocks last. The delivery time – depending on the country – is usually between 3 and 10 working days and begins with the dispatch of the order confirmation. The specification of the delivery time is non-binding, unless there is a different written agreement.

If an item is not available at short notice, we will inform you by email about the expected delivery time, provided we have your address. In the event of delivery delays, such as Due to force majeure, traffic disruptions and orders from high hand as well as other events for which the online shop is not responsible, no claims for damages can be made against the online shop. If the delivery is delayed due to the fault of a sub-supplier (impossibility), the online shop is not responsible for this.

4. Prices and Payment

All prices quoted are final prices, which include the statutory value added tax of currently 20%. The final prices do not include the costs for packaging and shipping. Due to the constant updating of the internet pages of the online shop, information given at an earlier point in time regarding the price and quality of the goods lose their validity. Errors and misprints are reserved. The price shown at the time the customer submits the offer is decisive for invoicing. The goods are paid for when the order is placed.

5. Retention of title

The ordered goods remain the property of the online shop until they have been paid for in full (retention of title). If the customer defaults on payment, the online shop is entitled to take back the goods. This does not constitute a withdrawal from the contract, unless this is expressly declared.

6. Warranty

The customer's claims against the online shop based on a defect in the goods are based on the statutory provisions. The customer undertakes to examine the goods for any defects upon receipt and to notify Sound of Music World GmbH immediately if such defects are discovered. If the customer finds out at a later point in time that the goods are defective, he is obliged to inform the online shop immediately after discovering the same. If the customer fails to report a defect, the goods are considered approved. A defect in the goods does not include damage caused by the customer through improper or non-contractual treatment. The information provided by the manufacturer of the goods is decisive for the inappropriateness and lack of conformity. The warranty period is two years. It begins with the receipt of the goods. The guarantee expires in any case in the event of interventions, repairs or repair attempts by the buyer or unauthorized third parties.

7. Limitation

of Liability Unless otherwise stated below, further claims by the customer, regardless of the legal grounds, are excluded. The Sound of Music World GmbH is therefore not liable for damage that did not occur on the delivery item itself; in particular, Sound of Music World GmbH is not liable for lost profits or other financial losses suffered by the customer. As far as the contractual liability of the online shop is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives and vicarious agents. The above limitation of liability does not apply if the cause of the damage is based on intent or gross negligence or if there is personal injury. Furthermore, it does not apply if the purchaser asserts legally regulated claims. The provisions of the Product Liability Act remain unaffected. If the online shop negligently breaches an essential contractual obligation, the obligation to pay compensation for property damage is limited to the damage that typically occurs. If the supplementary performance has been made by means of a replacement delivery, the customer is obliged to return the goods initially delivered to Sound of Music World GmbH within 30 days at the same expense. The return of the defective goods must take place in accordance with the statutory provisions. The online shop reserves the right to claim damages under the statutory conditions. The limitation period is two years. Deadline’s beginning occur with the delivery of the thing.

8. Data protection

The customer agrees that his personal data sent to the online shop as part of the business relationship will be electronically stored and processed. It should be noted that data determined in the sense of this provision are collected and processed exclusively for the purpose of providing services, in particular for the purpose of order processing and accounting. The online shop does not pass on customer data to third parties.

9. Copyright

All third-party logos, images and graphics shown are the property of the respective companies and are subject to the copyright of the respective licensor. All photos, logos, texts, reports, scripts and programming routines shown on these pages, which are in-house developments or have been prepared by us, may not be copied or used in any other way without our consent. All rights reserved.

10. Place of jurisdiction

Place of jurisdiction: Salzburg. For all disputes that may arise from this legal relationship, Austrian law shall apply, excluding the conflict of law rules. The application of UN sales law is excluded.

11. Validity of the terms and condition

With an order, the customer accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Sound of Music World GmbH. Should any provision of these general terms and conditions be void, for whatever reason, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. Oral agreements require written confirmation to be effective.